Home Inventory Checklist

Do you know the value of your possessions?
What is a Home Inventory Checklist?
A home inventory checklist is a list used to keep record of your furniture and personal belongings. Be proactive and document all of your belongings.
What does a Home Inventory Checklist Look Like?
A home inventory checklist can vary by the information they provide. Some are stronger than others, the more detailed the better. Digital checklist are more reliable as a physical one might get destroyed in the accident as well. We provided our very own home inventory checklist that you can download for free use below.
To strengthen your claim you can keep a record of the following:
Photos or videos of the rooms in your house (Provide a visual of the items in the room before the accident)
Photos of serial and model numbers, if possible
Receipts of purchased items (As they list when and where you purchased the item)
This process may seem tedious, but it serves as further proof and protection for your items. Claims don't wait until you had the time to make a detailed list, get it done before it's too late. Now is a good time to speak with your insurance provider and figure out what exactly are the basis of the claim settlements. You don't want to find out your insurance doesn't cover certain items and be left surprised with less money to cover your valuables. Determine the value of your items, so you can know what is the right insurance to cover said items. To help determine the value of your items it is essential you learn about replacement cost vs. actual cash value, as the two often get mistaken for one another.